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Ultra-clean PBT Resin


Trademark Properties Application
GX121J, GX122J Low oligomer content Mainly applied to produce products that require environmental protection and low precipitation, and products that contact with refrigerant.

Packing & Storage

PackagingThe product is packed in a polypropylene woven bag lined with a plastic bag with a net weight of 25kg/bag.
StorageThe product should be placed in a clean and dry warehouse. The product is a non-dangerous product, non-toxic and odorless.
TransportationSun, rain and mechanical damage should be avoided during transportation. 

Free Quote

For samples, pricing, or more information, please call us at 0086 25 51192301 or mail to INFO@ASCENT-PETROCHEM.COM  or fill out the following form.

We will respond to you as soon as possible.

Tel: 0086 25 51192301

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Nutrn Chemical Co.,Limited is a company specializes in the processing and marketing industry chain of petrochem and coal chemical industry, by persistently pushing forward with high-tech and service innovation. We are committed to becoming China’s best diversified chemical company which focusing on technologies and services.